Taking Precautions for the Coronavirus

Coronavirus Precautions 

Your health and wellness are our primary focus at Lucid Vitality.  It’s always our primary focus.  

Especially during this time of uncertainty, we want Lucid Vitality to remain a healthy community gathering place and serve as a refuge for members to continue their health and wellness activities.  Healthy living begins with a clean environment.  Our team maintains impeccable standards of cleanliness and during this time, we are committed to an increased measure to keep our studio clean by wiping down and disinfecting the studio after each class.


With a collective approach, we can ensure that the cleanliness of our studio exceeds standards to minimize any potential COVID-19 outbreak.   
As always, please heed the recommendations of trusted resources like the CDC and WHO to help keep yourself and the community safe and healthy: 

  • If you feel sick, please stay home and take good care of yourself

  • Ensure you are fever-free for at least 48 hours before attending classes to ensure the safety and health of our community

  • Cough into your elbow’s crook or into a tissue that you immediately throw away

  • Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before and after class

Lucid Vitality is monitoring COVID-19 developments closely and will provide updates as available.  We will be making adjustments as necessary and will be communicating regularly regarding all impending changes.

Our very best,

Claire and the rest of the Lucid Vitality team