Lucid Vitality

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Plan for Success

 It is common to hear how when starting a workout plan, it’s a good practice to have a goal in mind. It helps you to stay focused and take the necessary steps to move you closer to that goal while teaching you to build habits and make those habits second nature. This is key to your success. often the importance of having a plan is swept under the rug. A good plan will prepare you for the coming obstacles you know about and be flexible enough to help you adapt to obstacles you don’t see coming. I look at workout programs like a maze. You look at a maze from the outside and you can see the start and finish line, but once you start through the maze you can easily find yourself running into a dead end. At these points is having a plan is most important because it gives you the tools and strategies to retrace steps without feeling like you are moving backward.


3 Tips for a Successful Workout Plan:



1.     Plan Recovery Days

I see a lot of people start workout programs with a goal like losing weight or increasing lean muscle, and they hit the ground running. Dedicated, working out hard every day, week after week until one day they just stop. Then they find it hard to start back up again. I hear them say things like, “I’m too tired” or “I feel weaker than before.” This could be a result of not letting your body recover. What people don’t always realize is that muscle is built while you are recovering.  Proper sleep habits are best for recovery, but planning recovery days is a good way to make sure you have enough time in the week to allow the body to heal. When you plan recovery, even when you have those days when you feel tired you can look ahead to your recovery day and anticipate a break without guilt.


2.     Consistent Variety

Your workout plan should be consistent, but not rigid.  It’s very easy to get comfortable with movements or exercises you are accustomed to or find easy to do. You often end up working the same group of muscles every workout. This can cause plateaus or movement pattern overload, which is caused by repetitive motion in one pattern. A good plan has a variety of exercises and movements that allow you to work the same muscles differently, without fear of overload. For example, for leg day you may often do a squat or lunge, which is great for leg development. Instead of your next leg day, try weighted step-ups, the leg press machine, or even sprints. All are great alternatives to help develop strong legs.

3.     Accept Where You Are

Too often I see people get discouraged when they see others doing movements outside their fitness level.  Some get motivated when this happens. However, the difference I see is that being accepting of what your current fitness level greatly improves your chances of success. You don’t have to start with the toughest classes or most intense workouts. Go into a new workout program understanding everyone starts at a different point and it takes time to build up your fitness level. No matter if it has been 3 weeks or 3 years, it still takes time to get the body back in the groove of working out again. So, be mindful, loving, and accepting of self and the rest will be easy.


In conclusion, no matter what your fitness and wellness goals are if you have a solid plan, every step towards your goal becomes easier. Take the time to plan, but don’t be afraid to make changes when necessary. Try to implement these tips the next time you start a workout program. If you need some help, ask!