Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have a lot of burning questions about Lucid Vitality and we'd be happy to answer them. If you don't find the answers to your questions here, please give us a call or send an email and we'd be happy to chat!



how many appointments will i need?

That depends. We have some clients who meet with us for body work every few weeks or some clients that prefer more one-on-one time so we'll meet weekly for 3-6 months until the client feels like they've gained all the tools they need to care for their long-term health. 

During your initial appointment please feel free to discuss your needs with our Wellness Consultant. For clients that feel comfortable enough to take up a practice at home with limited supervision, we can design a program with fewer appointments and more "homework" (but the kind of homework that makes you feel happy on the inside). For clients who love the one-on-one time, we can meet more regularly to start, then taper off when you feel like you have a good handle on your wellness. 


What should I wear to my appointments?

Our clients often feel best when they wear comfortable, moderately fitted clothing in a breathable fabric - no need to remove your clothing! For fitness appointments you'll want to wear the same clothing you might wear to the gym. For bodywork appointments we usually recommend not wearing jeans. 



We have appointments available Monday - Saturday, including morning and evening time slots. Click "book online" to request an appointment to fit your schedule.  


What is TuiNa?

TuiNa is a form of Chinese massage therapy often combined with acupressure and fire cupping, iTaiChi and qigong. It's a hands-on body treatment similar to massage that helps with bringing your body and energy into balance. Do we practice TuiNa? Yep! It's a part of our overall wellness program.


What's your cancellation policy?

We understand that life happens and sometimes you have to cancel an appointment. We simply ask clients to cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance.



Sorta. Our appointments are moderately priced at $65 for each 30-minute session, regardless of service type. For teachers, fire fighters, and service men/women, we offer a 15% discount. We do offer occasional promotional pricing, but if you want to take advantage of it, you'll need to join our email list. Joining our email list means you'll also be the first to know about new services and sometimes you'll get some inspiring stories and helpful tips from us! Sounds awesome, right?